
Friday, August 17, 2007

Best-selling author Nellie Jacobs is collecting "hair-raising" stories from around the world. If you have a great one to share, read below...


Calling all Beauty Salon Hair Stylists, Owners, Customers, and Suppliers!!!

Have you had a "hair-raising" experience?

Do you have a delicious story to tell about a hair-do or a beauty salon?

Are you just waiting to share it with the world?

Do you have an insider's scoop? (Do you know of someone who does? Ask them if they'd like to tell all...)

If you're willing to have your happy, funny, sad, shocking, outrageous or sorry tale posted online, share it by clicking on the comment link below

Please leave your contact information so your story can be verified before posting. If you wish to be anonymous, say so. Otherwise, your name and town will be attached. I look forward to hearing from you.

- Nellie